Victoria Cougars vs Montreal Canadiens 1924-25 Stanley Cup Championship - BEFORE Monument restoration
Victoria Cougars vs Montreal Canadiens 1924-25 Stanley Cup Championship - AFTER Monument restoration
DORN marker - BEFORE refurbishment and added inscription
DORN marker - After refurbishment and added inscription
DORN marker - BEFORE refurbishment
FOSSETT marker - AFTER refurbishment
BEAUDOIN marker - BEFORE refurbishment and added inscription
BEAUDOIN marker - AFTER refurbishment and added inscription
REEDER marker - BEFORE and DURING restoration.
REEDER marker - AFTER restoration.
FOSSETT marker - BEFORE restoration.
FOSSETT marker - AFTER restoration.
DYKSHOORN marker - BEFORE refurbishment and added inscription
DYKSHOORN marker - AFTER refurbishment and added inscription
DAVIS marker - BEFORE restoration
DAVIS marker - AFTER restoration
BEFORE refurbishment
AFTER refurbishment
BEFORE restoration
AFTER restoration
BEFORE refurbishment
AFTER refurbishment and new photo plaque
BEFORE headstone, curbing and plot restoration
AFTER headstone, curbing and plot retoration
BEFORE gravetone, curbing and plot refurbishment
AFTER gravetone, curbing and plot refurbishment
BEFORE gravetone, curbing and plot refurbishment
AFTER gravetone, curbing and plot refurbishment
BEFORE markers, curbing and plot refurbishment
AFTER markers, curbing and plot refurbishment
BEFORE monument, headstones, curbing and plot restoration
AFTER monument, headstones, curbing and plot restoration